F-PC.TXT THE F-PC USERS MANUAL Table of contents Overview F-PC, What is it all about _______________ 2 1. Getting Started __________________________ 2 2. Sequential File Forth: An Overview ________ 6 3. What is the same as F83? __________________ 8 4. What is different from F83? _______________ 9 5. Differences from PF, ZF & DF ______________ 10 6. SED: The Editor ___________________________ 11 7. The Debugger, and the Tools Available _____ 19 8. DOS: The interface ________________________ 25 9. Memory Management in F-PC _________________ 27 10. The File System and Handles _______________ 28 11. Rebuilding the System _____________________ 28 12. F-PC and Batch Files ______________________ 29 13. Extra stuff included with F-PC ____________ 30 14. Forth History: how did we get here? _______ 30 Overview F-PC, What is it all about? The first thing you should know is that F-PC is trying to achieve a number of conflicting goals. With F-PC I am trying to provide a Forth system that provides all of the following: A system that is familiar to the large installed base of F83 users. A system that brings Forth fully into the realm of files. A Forth system that is as unstrange as possible to C and Pascal programmers. A system which maintains Forths interactive nature. A system which if FAST to compile and run. A FAT system with many tools, which still has room for an application program. Impossible, you say. Perhaps, but I think if you give F-PC a chance you may find some things you like. In line with the above goals, here is a list of some of F-PC's major features. Direct threaded dictionary for speed. Seperated lists & heads to increase space. Prefix assembler to enhance readability. Assembler supports both Prefix as well as Postfix assembly syntax for familiarity. Full DOS access from system and COMMAND level control. Full Handle/Path based file system. View works across directory boundries. The editor provides pull-down menus, and online help as well as being user configurable. Full DOS memory managment interface. Much more of course is provided, but enough of this editorializing. Let's get started. 1. Getting Started F-PC is a Forth system whose origins can be traced back to F83. F-PC has been tailored to use sequential files for source, and all references to BLOCK have been removed. While this may seem very strange at first, allow me a few minutes, and you will, I believe, find F-PC to be more familiar than you might expect. Installing F-PC F-PC is provided in archive form on a three floppy disks, which you have already copied onto your hard disk and expanded or you wouldn't be reading this. To install F-PC, you will need only type the name of the batch file which will allow you to set some user configurable parameters, and set the paths of some of the files to your current directory structure. Type: INSTALL If you don't have a batch file called INSTALL.BAT, then you can type the command manually as follows: Type: F-PC - INSTALL Either of the above will install F-PC, configuring it for your computer and directory structure in the process. Starting F-PC Once F-PC has been installed on your computer, you can start it up by typing "F " from the keyboard. This will display a signon message about the version number, available memory, etc. An additional information screen can be viewed by typing INFO . Opening a file: Type the following: OPEN BANNER The file BANNER.SEQ will be opened. We can load it with: 1 LOAD This prints a nice demo message. This demo came from the F83X system. We can edit the source for BANNER by typing: ED You will now be in the editor, viewing the first 20 lines or so of BANNER.SEQ. You can page down through the file with the PgDn key on the keypad, and back up with the PgUp key. For now, page down to the bottom of the file with PgDn, and there you see the definition of the word DEMO, which prints out our demonstration banner. Now let's create a new file and put a new DEMO definition with our own banner message in it. Leave the editor by typing "ESC Q D" for Quit Discard, or by pressing Alt-F10. You will now be back in Forth without saving any changes you may have accidently made to BANNER.SEQ. To create the new file, type the following: NEWFILE MYBANNER F-PC will start the editor, and try to open the file MYBANNER. If it is present, F-PC will open it. If it is not, then F-PC will automatically create a new file called MYBANNER.SEQ and place you in the editor in that file, prepared to enter text. Type in the following definition, using the key to add new lines to the file as needed. The arrow keys can be used to move around, but you will not be allowed to move below the line containing the little up pointing triangle at the left edge of the screen, as this represents the end of the current file. : MYBANNER ( --- ) " HELLO" BANNER " FROM" BANNER " YOURNAME" BANNER ; Note that YOURNAME must be no longer than 11 characters. Now that you have typed in or edited the above definition into the file BANNER.SEQ, leave the editor saving the text you have entered, by pressing "ESC Q S", for Quit and Save. This time, as we REALLY DO want to save the program. Let's compile the program. Type: FLOAD MYBANNER The file MYBANNER.SEQ is opened, and loaded. If you entered the program as shown, then all should be well, and Forth should come back with the "ok" message. You could have compiled the program by typing 1 LOAD , since the file was already open. Now that MYBANNER is compiled, type its name to make it do it's stuff: MYBANNER You should have seen your name scroll up on the screen, if you didn't, try editing the source file and correcting your typing error. At this point, you can VIEW the source for MYBANNER by typing: VIEW MYBANNER F-PC will locate the source for your MYBANNER word, and display the source file starting at the line where MYBANNER was started. A shorter word for VIEW called LL (Locate & List) is provided to save typing. Now let's look at some Forth words with LL, and some of the other file traversal words. Type: LL DUP The HELP information for DUP will be displayed on the top few lines, with the source for DUP displayed below it, with the line where the definition of DUP starts underlined. Above the line where DUP starts is the reverse video message showing the filename of the source for DUP. Now type: N The screen will blink and display group of lines starting 16 lines farther into the KERNEL1.SEQ source file. With the "N" word, you can scan quickly through a sequential file. The inverse of "N" is "B". If you type it followed by , the previous 16 lines will be displayed. Another display word "L" is provided to redisplay the current location in the file again. One last word you will find VERY useful is WORDS. It is used as follows: WORDS HE The above command sequence will display all words in all vocabularies of Forth that contain the letter sequence "HE". This is very useful when you don't know how to spell the word you are looking for, but you know it contains a particular character sequence. WORDS by it self will show all words in the current vocabulary only, and the special sequence "*.*" following WORDS is recognized as a command to display all words of all vocabularies. Here is a list of the words we have covered. OPEN Opens filename. 1 LOAD Compiles the open file. ED Starts editing the current file. NEWFILE Specifies a file to edit. FLOAD Loads filename. HELP Displays a help screen. HELP Shows the help and or source VIEW for a Forth word. LL N Shows next 16 lines. B Shows previous 16 lines. L Re-display current 16 lines. WORDS Display all words containing in all vocabularies. SEE Decompile the memory copy of the word, and show the source. 2. Sequential File Forth: An Overview Much of what is in F-PC came from F83, and should be somewhat familiar. Things that are different, are normally different because they need to be. There are a significant number of things about F83 that I would have liked to change, but did not for compatibility reasons. However since BLOCK is not present, you will experience a period of difficulty. I hope you will take some solace in knowing I have at least tried to make the transition as painless as possible. Many of the familiar file manipulation words from F83 are still present, and those that are will work in a very similar if not identical way. Some of these are: OPEN, CLOSE, VIEW, OK, L, N, B, ED, LOAD, LIST, EDIT Some words like BLOCK, and BUFFER, simply could not be fit into the new scheme of things in a logical manner, and so were omitted. To load an entire file, use the sequence FLOAD . Listing through a file is best done with VIEW, although of course the file will have already had to be loaded. To LIST through a file which has not been loaded, you can use LIST, which lists from a line number, rather than from a block, but the following sequence is easier. OPEN opens file L lists first 18 lines N lists next group of lines. B list previous group of lines. These words are very fast using indices into the file to maintain their line pointer information. the word LOAD still exists, but loads the rest of a file starting at the line number specified. The compiler in F-PC has been tailored to be as fast as I could make it. Since much of the functionality of WORD has been moved into CODE for performance, this system compiles sequential text files much faster than standard F83 compiles BLOCKs. The debugger has been enhanced to allow nesting and un-nesting of ":" definitions for more capable debugging. The editor is WordStar compatible from a cursor control key stand point, with the keypad functions fully supported, along with some function keys. Full search, replace, and global replace are provided, along with copy and paste of text segments within a file as well as between files. The editor provides pull down menus for ease of learning, and Control or Alt equivalants for speed of operation. A utility is provided to convert even very large BLOCK files into sequential files. The resulting savings in mass storage is typically greater than 60%. The source for F-PC is, of course, provided. You can tailor it to your way of doing things if you don't like mine. 3. What is the same as F83? From a low-level Forth standpoint, F-PC is very similar to F83. Multi-tasking is unchanged. The assembler in POSTFIX mode is fully compatible with the F83 assembler. VIEW, FIX, L, N, B, ED, LISTING, and OK work as they did in F83. LOAD and LIST need a line number rather than a screen number. \S is available, and stops compilation of the remaining portion of the current file. DBG and DEBUG work as they did in F83, with more functionality added. A decompiled source of the current definition being debugged is displayed at the top of the screen. SEE is available, but has been enhanced to display the conditional structures in nested source form, for much increased readability. WORDS works as it did in F83, with the enhancement that you can specify a text string following it to display a subset of words in the dictionary that contain the substring. WORDS *.* will display all words in all vocabularies. 4. What is different from F83? The system is now Direct threaded CODE. This results in the CODE fields of Colon definitions being 3 bytes instead of 2. Approximately a 15% increase in performance results. The LIST portion of all ":" definitions has been moved to another segment. This allows programs to be as large as memory. A small loss of performance resulted. (about 10%) System based time and date functions have been added, for measurement as well as display of the time and date. The word TIMER will allow measuring the performance of various operations in F-PC. Very fast screen I/O is provided for editor and normal text display. The words FAST and SLOW switch between direct screen I/O and BDOS function I/O. Screen hi-lighting for a monochrome display is supported for underline, bold, reverse, bold blink, and reverse blink. Paths are fully supported, as entered from the command line, or applied to a file automatically if not specified. Many DOS command line functions are built-in, like DIR, COPY, FORMAT, DEL, REN, MD, RD, CHDIR, PATH, and more may be added at a cost of about 40 bytes each. Cursor shape control is provided, in the form CURSOR-ON, CURSOR-OFF, NORM-CURSOR, MED-CURSOR, BIG-CURSOR, GET-CURSOR, and SET-CURSOR. BLOCK, BUFFER, B/BUF, C/L, and BLK can be loaded from the file BLOCK.SEQ. The word COPY, is now a DOS function to copy files. Environment access is supported, see the ENVIRON.SEQ file. 5. Differences from PF, ZF & DF This Forth was implemented by Tom Zimmer, with substatial help from Robert L. Smith. All of the Direct Threaded low level code modifications came from Bob's LaForth implementation. This is yet another step in the Forth evolution being undertaken to obtain the ideal Forth system. This Forth maintains fairly high compatibility with ZF & DF which was it's predecessor. The primary problem that you are likely to encounter, is that CODE fields are three (3) bytes rather than 2, and the CODE field of a CODE word does not point to code, but contains code. F-PC has moved ":" LISTs to a seperate segment, so there are two bytes in the BODY of each ":" definition that points into LIST space the the ":" definitions LIST of CFAs. LIST space is accessed with L words, like L@ and L!. VARIABLEs, CONSTANTs, and strings are handles in the same way as F83, that is they are in CODE space. This segmentation seems to provide a reasonable balance. As the dictionary expands, more user data space is needed, which works well with F-PC, as most of the free space is in CODE/DATA space. This system will full circle meta compile and extend, with the provided batch files for simplicity. As F-PC currently exists, there is about 50k of LIST dictionary space, and 40k of CODE space. which can be expanded by removing some of the optional files from the list of load files in F-PC.SEQ. List can also be expanded by assigning a new value into the VALUE #LISTSEGS. The removable files are marked. Some of these files are listed as follows: PATHSET.SEQ WORDS.SEQ COLOR.SEQ DUMP.SEQ DECOM.SEQ DEBUG.SEQ STATUS.SEQ MACROS.SEQ PATCHER.SEQ FILSTAT.SEQ FWORDS.SEQ If some of these files are removed, a significant savings in dictionary space will result. A tool of the type used in F83X has been added, called NEEDS. This word when followed by a filename will conditionally load the specified file if the file has not already been loaded. Be sure to include the filename extension. Another word UNWANTED, when followed by a filename, aborts with an error if the Unwanted file has already been loaded. 6. SED the Editor For full information on the editor in F-PC, please see the file SED.TXT 7. The Debugger, and the Tools Available THE DEBUGGER The debugger is very similar to the F83 debugger. Some features have been added to enhance its operation. The decompiled source for the current definition being debugged is displayed while debugging. A typical command sequence might be as follows: DEBUG WORDS specify WORDS to be debugged as soon as it is executed. or DBG WORDS debug WORDS right now. Once in the debugger, you will be shown a display similar to the following: 17469 INWFLG ?> _ At this point, pressing return will cause the word INWFLG to be executed, and the debugger will print the stack after execution, and step to the next word in the list and wait for a command. Notice the fields in the above example. The number on the left is the address in memory where the debugger is currently working. The next word INWFLG is the word the debugger is about to execute. The next symbol "?>" is a marker pointing to what will be the printed stack contents after we press . The question mark symbol is the command we must press to see the command list for the debugger. If we press that now, we will see: C-cont, F-forth, Q-quit, N-nest, U-unnest: These are the commands you can use in the debugger. Their functions are as follows: C-cont Trace continuously until a key is pressed. F-forth Allow entry of Forth command lines until is pressed on an empty line. Q-quit Quit the debugger, and unpatch next. N-nest Nest into the ":" definition we were about to execute. Only works on ":" definitions, and deferred words. U-unnest Unnest the current ":" definition being debugged. Re-enters the debugger on the next higher level. DEBUGGING with SOURCE displayed You will have noticed that the upper portion of the screen is filled with the source for the word you are currently debugging. This is to make it easier to follow the debug process. You may want to turn off the source display, if it interferes with your the debuging process. The words to control this are: SRCOFF turn off the source display SRCON turn on the source display The default state is ON. CONSTANTS as VARIABLES and what to do with them A set of operators has been included for manipulating constants. Since constants are faster at run time than variables, performance critical operations can take advantage of these. They may also provide a somewhat more readable source. Here is a list of them: =: \ value =: constant-name !> \ value !> constant-name \ assign value into constant-name @> \ @> constant-name ( --- n1 ) \ returns contants of its BODY. +!> \ value +!> constant-name \ increment constant-name by value incr> \ incr> constant-name \ increment constant-name by one decr> \ decr> constant-name \ decrement constant-name by one These operators are written in assembly, so they will be very fast. SEEing into Forth definitions F-PC provides the standard F83 decompiler, called SEE. SEE has been modified to display a decompiled source that is in most cases the very similar to the source on disk. TIMER and measurement of execution time A complete set of time and date manipulation words has been provided, here is an explanation of their usage: TIMER ( words --- ) TIMER performs the Forth words following on the same command line, and when they finish execution, TIMER prints the elapsed time required for their execution. TIME-RESET ( --- ) Reset the accumulated time value in the double variable STIME to zero, in effect resetting the current elapsed time to zero. This word is used at the beginning of a sequence of operations you want to time. The word .ELAPSED is used at the end of the operations to print the elapsed time since the last TIME-RESET. .ELAPSED ( --- ) Print the elapsed time since the last TIME-RESET was performed. TENTHS ( tenths_ofa_second --- ) SECONDS ( seconds --- ) MINUTES ( minutes --- ) HOURS ( hours --- ) Time delay words use the system time function to obtain very accurate time delays. Background processing continues, as pause is called in the wait loop. Another deferred word, PAUSE-FUNC, is also in the loop, which can be re deferred to perform any function you want done while the delay is occurring. DATE Control Words F-PC provides several words for getting and setting the date and time as follows: GETDATE ( --- d1 ) Return d1 the 32bit binary date from the operating system. SETDATE ( d1 --- ) Given the binary date d1, set the system clock to that date. GETTIME ( --- d1 ) Return d1 the 32bit binary time from the operating system. SETTIME ( d1 --- ) Given the binary time d1, set the system clock to that time. .DATE ( --- ) Print to the screen, the current date, in the format MM/DD/YY, where MM is month, DD is day, and YY is year. .TIME ( --- ) Print to the screen, the current time, in the format HH:MM:SS.HR, where HH is hours, MM is minutes, ss is seconds, and HR is hundredths of a second. Multiple line COMMENT words in F-PC COMMENT: ( lines_of_text --- ) Starts a group of lines that are to be treated as comments, until a terminating "COMMENT;" is found. .COMMENT: ( lines_of_text --- ) Starts a group of lines, that are to be printed to the terminal, until a terminating "COMMENT;" is found. SCREEN control words in F-PC FAST ( --- ) Select the Fast screen output routines that are very hardware dependant. Much faster than BDOS, but requires VERY compatible hardware. SLOW ( --- ) Select the SLOW screen output routines, these routines use BDOS for screen output, and are less hardware dependant than FAST. >UL ( --- ) underline >REV ( --- ) reverse >BOLD ( --- ) bold >BOLDUL ( --- ) bold underline >BOLDBLNK ( --- ) bold blink >REVBLNK ( --- ) reverse blink >NORM ( --- ) normal video Select the various types of attributes available on the monochrome monitor. COLOR support has been added. F-PC as delivered is configured for Monochrome, but will work on a color monitor. The INSTALL process will automatically install color support if a color board is being used during installation. >FG ( n1 --- ) foreground >BG ( n1 --- ) background Words from the COLOR.SEQ file that allow setting the foreground and background colors on a color monitor: >ATTRIB1 ( --- ) >ATTRIB2 ( --- ) >ATTRIB3 ( --- ) . . >ATTRIB8 ( --- ) Deferred words to allow selection of the various display attributes for the current display board. They default to the following attributes for Monochrome and Color. MONOCHROME COLOR word bgrnd fgrnd --------------------------------------------- >ATTRIB1 UNDERLINE BLUE GREEN >ATTRIB2 BOLD UNDERLINE RED WHITE >ATTRIB3 BOLD BLUE WHITE >ATTRIB4 REVERSE RED WHITE These values can be changed by changing either COLOR.SEQ, or MONOCROM.SEQ and re-installing the system with INSTALL.BAT. SAVESCR ( --- ) save screen RESTSCR ( --- ) restore screen These words give you the ability to save the screen contents and later restore the screen to its original appearance in a simple way. SAVESCR may be used and nested up to three times before RESTSCR needs to be done. That is, three screens can be saved and sequentially restored. COMPILATION control words OK Compile the currently open file, starting at the beginning, and continuing through the end of the file or until an error is encountered. LOAD Start loading the current file starting at the specified. Loads through the end of the file or until an error is encountered. PRINTING Source files in F-PC. Files can of course be printed while in the editor, but you can also print files from the Forth command line as follows: OPEN open a file LISTING print the file The print format is the same as the default format for the editor. Another command which combines the two commands above is as follows: FPRINT open and print Literally opens the file and performs a LISTING. The source for the word FPRINT is available in the file FWORDS.SEQ CONDITIONAL COMPILATION The word #IF has been added, which accepts a boolean flag, and determines if the lines following #IF are loaded up until the #ENDIF. A TRUE flag causes the lines to be loaded. A FALSE flag causes the lines to be skipped. TRUE #IF .( This message will be printed.) #ENDIF MACROS in F-PC, and SED A file called MACROS.SEQ is provided, which implements keyboard macros in Forth, at the level of KEY. These macros can therefore be used in the editor also. The macros are used as follows: (the sequence "Alt-M" means hold down the "Alternate" key and press the "M" key.) Alt-M start defining a macro. Alt-1 we are defining the Alt-1 macro. Enter any keys you want in the macro, up to 128 keys. Alt-M completes the definition of the Alt-1 macro. Any keys typeable on the keyboard except Alt-m, and Alt-1 to Alt-5 can be included within a macro. To execute a macro, simply type its key name: Alt-1 executes the macro key sequence for the Alt-1 key. Currently macros may be only 127 characters in length, although this can be changed by modifying the MAXMAC constant and recompiling the system. REPEAT a MACRO A function of macro support also allows the repeating of a macro key up to 999 times as follows: Alt-R Prompts for number of times to repeat the macro. Any number between 1 and 999 may be entered, after doing this, press the macro key to be repeated, like: Alt-1 Macro Alt-1 will be repeated the number of times you requested. *SECRET* As it turns out, any key may be repeated with Alt-R, just press the key you want repeated rather than a macro key. 8. DOS: the interface The interface to DOS occurs at several levels. In this section we will discuss the interface to the DOS commands as opposed to the DOS system calls. It is convenient to be able to issue DOS commands from within F-PC. This avoids having to leave F-PC to do the normal housekeeping things that are regular occurrences in a DOS based computer. In line with this, F-PC implements a pair of commands: $SYS ( a1 --- f1 ) SYS ( text --- ) These words allow performing almost any DOS command line operation you would want to do. To make things even more convenient, several additional words have been coded which use the $SYS word for specific functions. They are as follows: DIR FORMAT FTYPE DEL CHDIR COPY REN RD MD PATH A: B: C: These commands may be used as they are in DOS. The word FTYPE replaces the DOS word TYPE for obvious reasons. If you press Control-C, or Control-Break during the execution of any of the above words, operation will abort back to Forth. ` BACKTICK followed by one space and a DOS command sequence performs the DOS command sequence and returns to Forth. 9. Memory Management in F-PC F-PC uses memory as follows: |---------------------| ?CS: ^ | | | | Forth | | | Kernel | | | | | |---------------------| | | System | | | Extensions | | |---------------------| HERE, DP @ | | Dictionary | PAD, DP + 80 | | Free space | 64k | | | bytes | v | | | ^ | | | | | | | Data stack | | |---------------------| SP0 @ | | TIB | TIB, 'TIB @ | | | | | | v | | | ^ | | | | | v | Return stack | |---------------------| RP0 @, End code space. |---------------------| YSEG @, Start head space. ^ | hash table | | |---------------------| | | | 32k | headers | bytes | | | |---------------------| YHERE, YDP @ | | header | v | free space | YHERE + 32767 |---------------------| |---------------------| TSEGB, TSEGE ^ | | 64k bytes | Edit Buffer | v | | |---------------------| LSEG | Line pointer list | |---------------------| DSEG | Lines deleted buf | |---------------------| RSEG | Restore display buf | |---------------------| COLON ":" Data Structure Here is the data structure used for a colon definition in F-PC. The COLON ":" definition of the word HEX. ---------------- HEAD SPACE [ VIEW offset ] VIEW [ LINK pointer ] LINK [ 83 hex ] NAME [ H ] [ E ] [ X + 80 hex ] Points to CODE space [ CFA pointer ] --------v ---------------- | | ---------------- | CODE SPACE [ CALL ] CFA <---< [ NEST ] Points to LIST space [ LIST POINTER ] >BODY @ XSEG @ + ---------------- | | ---------------- | LIST SPACE [ cfa of (LIT) ] LIST <--< [ 16 ] [ cfa of BASE ] [ cfa of ! ] [ cfa of UNNEST] ---------------- 10. The File System and Handles For full information on the file system as used in F-PC, please see the file FILES.TXT 11. Rebuilding the System. If you need to change a parameter or function in the F-PC system, you will need to re-compile F-PC and/or KERNEL. This is simply done with the provided batch files as follows: C> FMETA re-compiles KERNEL.COM C> EXTEND re-extends to create F-PC.EXE C> INSTALL sets user parameters into F.EXE All of these may be performed from the keyboard while in DOS. TURNKEY The word TURNKEY and some associated words are included in the file SAVESYS.SEQ. TURNKEY is used as follows: ' MYAPPL TURNKEY MYAPP.COM After completing an application compile, the word MYAPPL is defined to be performed by the program name MYAPP.COM. TUNRKEY automatically sets up the proper memory managment to allocate 64k for your program, but does not save the HEADS. Minimum initialization is performed. A file specified on the command line will be opened, and you can use BL WORD to pick up additional parameters from the command line. You will NOT of course be able to interpret, since heads are not saved, and you applicaton will need to handle all errors and return to DOS when the program completes. BUILDING an APPLICATION Before attempting to build an application, you will need to make a copy of F-PC.SEQ, for customization. Many of the later files in F-PC.SEQ are utilities, and will not be needed in your application. Start by writing your program and compiling it on F-PC.EXE. Work in this environment until you are sure your program works. Now insert your program filename into the copy of F-PC.SEQ you made, about half way down, and try to compile the copy of F-PC.SEQ. If it compiles then you can move your application file lower, until you have determined what utilities are needed by your application. Strip out all files above your application file, and load the file SAVESYS.SEQ. Use TURNKEY as previously described to make an executable .COM file. As an alternative to SAVESYS, you can use SAVEEXE to make an EXE file if your application is to big for a COM file. 12. F-PC and Batch Files. F-PC allow commands to be passed to Forth on the DOS command line in the following manner: C> F-PC This example illustrates how you can start F-PC with a specified file name, and perform commands on the file. An example of how this might be used is as follows: C> F-PC BANNER OK Here we are starting F-PC with the file BANNER.SEQ, and then performing OK to compile the file. Another way to use command line parameters is: C> F-PC - Here we are starting F-PC, followed by a dash "-" to tell F-PC we are not opening a file, then telling F-PC to perform the Forth words following the "-". Here is an example: C> F-PC - REPAIR DIR This example starts up F-PC without a file and tells F-PC we want to repair the word DIR. It will locate the word DIR and start up the editor with the cursor located on the first line of the DIR definition. You can get to batch files now, as you can see many types of commands could be given to F-PC on the command line. Here are the contents of the META.BAT: F-PC - FLOAD META86 This single line batch file re-meta-compiles the F-PC kernel file and re-creates the KERNEL.COM file. A similar batch file is provided to extend the system. The one caution on batch files is you must not place commands on the command line which cause the command line to be interpreted again. The words HELLO and COLD are such words, and should not be used on the command line of F-PC.COM, or KERNEL. Another caution for command lines, is the symbols "<" and ">" can not be used on the command line since DOS will think they are re-direction symbols. So don't try to do any comparisons on the command line. 13. Extra stuff included with F-PC Please examine the separate file ZIMMER.TXT, CURLEY.TXT and SMITH.TXT for information on the extras provided with each archive file. There are many interesting and useful program segments in these archives, including a FAST software floating point package. 14. Forth History, how did we get here? This Forth system started out as an experiment to see if a development environment could be created that would be as interactive as a BLOCK Forth system, with as many of the same tools as possible. Over the past several years, I have observed the Programming community for other languages. Several years ago, Forth had enormous advantages over Fortran, Pascal, and C in terms of development interactivity. The Forth development cycle was very short, and new code modules could be put together for experimentation very quickly. As the years went by, the Programmers for these other languages began to realize there had to be something better than their traditional compile debug cycle, i.e. ----> Enter the editor from operating system. | | Make changes with LINE editor. | | Leave editor back to operating system. | | Start Compiler on source module. | | WAIT A LONG TIME FOR THE COMPILER..... | | Discover an error. | | | --< LOOP back up until all compile errors are found. | | Now start Linker on all modules. | WAIT A LONG TIME FOR THE LINKER..... | Discover Link error. ----< Go back to beginning and try again. The above loop could be measured in DAYS, and was normally at least 30 minutes long. Forth did away with much of the above. The editor was integrated into the Forth/Operating system environment, so the time to start up or leave the editor was zero. The compiler was incremental, so programs could be debugged a piece at a time, and there was no linker at all. This naturally resulted in a productivity improvement and a significant reduction in programmer frustration. As the years went by, other programmers noticed how much easier BASIC was to use than other compiled languages, since it had a built in editor, and didn't have to compile at all. Of course it was SO SLOW.., but then along came TURBO PASCAL. It created fast compiled code, had an integrated SCREEN editor, and compiled like BLAZES. We now start to see some similarities to Forth, a much superior development environment, where the development iteration cycle has been reduced to a very small number. But Turbo Pascal still lacked Forth interactivity, and ability to incrementally debug programs as they are developed. Finally along came the Macintosh (Those who know me knew I would figure out a way to mention it), and Light Speed Pascal. It had evolved from Mac Pascal, an interactive and pseudo interpreted Pascal for the Mac. LSP (Light Speed Pascal) had Windows, a Built in Screen editor, Compiled modules, a Very fast compiler and a Light Speed Linker, with the ability to test small segments of code, and two built-in debuggers: one for Pascal, and one for Assembly. I bought it and liked the environment very much. The only problem was that is was PASCAL not Forth. I did, however, like the advantages of sequential files. Here is a partial list: Source files are smaller, so backing up or transporting file is easier. Sequential source files can be manipulated or viewed by programs that other people have, not just by the forth block editor. There is no artificial limitation placed on definition size. In the block based system I was always giving up line zero for a comment line, and line 15 for nudge space. There is no artificial limit placed on the amount of comments I can place with the source. Again, compared to blocks with shadows, 16 lines of shadows was either too much or too little. Sequential files provide a much more natural interface to the operating system. I love being able to insert room for a new definition in the middle of a source file, without having to drop out of the editor, and use MORE and CONVEY to move things around, all I have to do is press . Hmm. I wonder what Forth would be like with Sequential files? Well, it has arrived. So here we are at the end (or beginning) of a long road, looking back at what we have done, and looking forward to the future. Blocks were certainly very useful for forcing me to modularize my code. That was a big advantage while I was learning Forth. Maybe newcomers to Forth should be required to learn the system on a BLOCK version, but now that I have come of age, I think I know where to modularize my code better than the computer. Thoughts on BLOCK One last thought. Although all references to block operations have been removed from F-PC, that does not mean you cannot use block type disk operations in your programs. Here is the equivalent F-PC source for some simple block read and block write functions: create blockbuf 1024 allot : BLKREAD ( n1 --- a1 ) 1024 um* seek blockbuf dup 1024 shndl @ hread drop ; : BLKWRITE ( n1 --- ) 1024 um* seek blockbuf 1024 shndl @ hwrite drop ; These definitions will read and write a block of data from the current file. While it is true that the above does not provide anything like a complete Forth BLOCKs functionality, like no auto write on update, and no virtual buffering, it does show how simple it is to access random records in a file. Now I hope I have provided some insight into the logic behind the development of F-PC without BLOCKs. I hope you can find a use for it as I have. Tom Zimmer P.S. for those of you that really want or need BLOCK, there is a file called BLOCK.SEQ that provides virtual block support.